DesignSpark Circuit Simulator Maintenance on 27th March at 16:00 UTC for 30 mins

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New Controllers for EC Fans

by Connector Geek

With GreenTech, the future-oriented EC Technology from ebm-papst, axial fans become intelligent "energy-saving wonders" for an extremely wide range of applications.


The EC-System starts in the heart of the motor within the fan. ebm-papst realised that the full environmental benefits of EC fans would only be achieved when the fan's speed is controlled. With ebm-papst's background in control systems, they knew that the best solution was not going to be simple 2 or 3 speed setting, but an intelligent system with fully modulating control, with an ability to convey fault situations and communicate with the wider world through building management systems.

With the latest generation of EC fan controllers, this aim has been achieved. Designed to work with ebm-papst's range of EC fans, these controllers are a perfect way to capitalise on the energy saving potential of the EC range.

The CN1082 dual EC fan controller is a mains powered, twin fan controller with an enclosure and is suitable for all ebm-papst EC 0-10V speed controllable fans. The fans run alternately based on a selectable change over a given period. Potentiometers allow setting of the two fan speeds, normal and boost. The fan speeds are selected by a switched live or from volt free contacts.

The CN1083 HRU (Heat Recovery Unit) controller is designed specifically for industrial / commercial heat recovery applications. This is also a mains powered, twin fan controller. In this instance, both fans are independently controlled with each speed set via an individual potentiometer.

The CN1090 is a demand control ventilation unit designed for industrial / commercial applications. Again, this unit is mains powered, and functions as either a single or multiple fan speed controller. It is ideal for constant pressure or constant volume applications, and can be configured for use with temperature, humidity, CO2 and other sensors, making it incredibly versatile.


All of these controllers are now available from RS Components. Click the buttons below to get yours today.




Connector Geek is Dave in real life. After three decades in the industry, Dave still likes talking about connectors almost as much as being a Dad to his two kids. He still loves Lego too. And guitars.
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